o Any Modification: The order/position was changed.
o Order Activated: The order was fully or partially activated which resulted in exchange operation or position creation.
o Order/Position Modified: The order/position was modified.
o Order/Position Closed: The order/position was closed.
Select the condition under which the Quotes alert will trigger: the Bid/Ask price is equal or higher/ lower than the specified Value. The Spread value is equal or higher/ lower than the specified Value.
o Margin Call: Margin Call level is reached.
o Margin Call Revocation: Margin Call level is revoked.
o Stop Out: Stop Out level is reached.
o Margin Level: The specified level of Margin is reached.
o Equity: The specific level of Equity is reached.
The Test button sends a test message using the settings specified to test their workability. In case the test did not succeed, it is recommended to check all settings again, restart the terminal and resend the test message.
To apply the settings, click the Save button. Click Delete to clear the fields.