

Alert Service is designed to notify users about completed trade, news, temporary, etc. events. The notifications are sent via Push-Notification Service, Telegram and Email. It allows to receive push notifications even when no terminal is logged on, though alerts creation/modification will be done via win-, mobile- and web-terminals.


Alert type
Condition to trigger the alert
Order/Position status
Order/Position is activated, modified, or closed
The Ask/Bid price of the selected instrument became higher or lower than the specified price.
Price Change
The specified price is reached.
Time Condition
The specified time condition is reached.
Account State
Margin call level is reached/revoked, Stop out level reached.
Economic Calendar Condition
The economic calendar condition is reached.

To add an alert, tap .  Select the alert type, set the conditions and select the required action.
Common parameters for all the alert types:
  • Alert conditions: alert condition.
    • Expiration: alert expiration time (local system time). The alert will be deleted at the indicated time.
  • Alert actions:
    • Push notification: The text of the push notification.
    • Telegram: The text of the notification delivered via Telegram.
    • Email: The text of the notification delivered to the user's email.
  • Buttons:
    • Cancel: Tap to exit the alert screen.
    • Confirm: Tap to save all the conditions and actions on the selected alert type.

Order/Position status

To add an Order/Position alert, select the required condition, status at which the alert is triggered:
  • Any Modification: Any modification to the order/position
  • Order Activated: The order was fully or partially activated which resulted in exchange operation or position creation.
  • Order/Position Modified: The order/position was modified.
  • Order/Position Closed: The order/position was closed.


To add a Quotes alert, select the required condition and set the price value:
  • SymbolTrading instrument for which the alert condition is checked.
  • Condition: Condition under which the alert will trigger: the Bid/Ask price is higher or lower than the specified price (Value).
  • ValuePrice value for Condition.

Price Change

To add a Price alert, select the required condition and set the min/max price value or deviation in %:
  • SymbolTrading instrument for which the alert condition is checked.
  • TypeBid price or Ask price, Spread.
  • Current priceActual price of the chosen symbol.
  • Min priceMinimum price of the instrument.
  • Max priceMaximum price of the instrument.
  • Deviation: Deviation in % from the current price of the symbol.

Time Condition

To add a Time condition alert, select the required condition and set the value (date and time):
  • ValueDate and Time at which the notification will trigger.

Account State

To add an Account State alert, select the required account state.
  • Account stateAccount State at which the notification is triggered.
    • Margin call: Margin Call level is reached.
    • Margin call revocation: Margin Call level is revoked.
    • Stop out: Stop Out level is reached.
    • Margin level (≤): The specified level of Margin is reached (≤).
    • Equity (≤): The specified Equity value is reached.

Economic Calendar Condition

To add a Calendar Condition alert, select the required volatitlity level and currency.
  • Volatility: Volatility level: High/Moderate/Low/Any. This is a basic indicator of the potential move when a data release might impact the markets and trigger on currencies.
  • Currency: Currency that might be affected depending on the event volatility level.


To configure Communication alerts (Telegram and email) and Notifications, tap .


A notification can be sent to a user as a Telegram message, email or a push notification.

Push notifications are short messages with notifications about various events that are sent to a mobile device. Push notifications allow you not to miss important events in the market or the status of order/position, even if you are not connected to the trading terminal.

A user can enable notifications for the following events:

  • For custom alerts
  • For successful order modification transactions
  • For successful order execution transactions
  • When Margin Call level is reached
  • When Margin Call level is revoked
  • When Stop Out level is reached

Email notifications

Set the following parameters:

  • SMTP server:portSMTP loginSMTP password: These settings depend on user’s preferred mail service (gmail,, etc.). The information related to these parameters can be found in a mail service description.
  • Enable SSL: Select this check box if the corresponding SMTP server requires this option.
  • From:
    • Enter the name of a user from whom the email will be sent (optional).
    • Enter the e-mail address from which the email will be sent through the SMTP server.
  • To:
    • Enter the name of a user to whom the email will be sent (optional).
    • Enter the e-mail address to which the email will be sent.

To apply the settings, tap the Apply button.
Tap Delete to clear the fields.

Telegram notifications

  • Bot Token: A short phrase that acts as a “key”. 
  • Chat ID: Telegram chat Id. 
The Test button sends a test message using the settings specified to test their workability. In case the test did not succeed, it is recommended to check all settings again, restart the terminal and resend the test message.
To apply the settings, click the Save button. Click Delete to clear the fields.
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