Visitor statistics

Visitor statistics

To view statistics of clicks on your referral link, select Partnership -> Visitor Statistics in the Client Portal.
The Visitors 
Statistics shows the number of visitors for the selected period and how many of these visitors registered ForexEE Main account using your referral link. You can also track which of the referral pages were more productive for attracting potential referrals.

The information on the page is displayed for the selected period.

  • Period (From - To): Period for which statistics are displayed.
  • Is Account Opened: Show only users who registered Main account.
  • Total visits: Total number of users who visited target pages by clicking your referral links.
  • Total registered accounts: Total number of users who registered Main account through your referral links.

The visitor statistics includes:

  • Date: Date and time of the click.
  • IP: User IP address.
  • Visited page: Target page visited by the user.
  • Referral page: Source page on which the link was placed.
  • Is Account Opened: This parameter shows whether the user registered Main account.

Click Export to save the data as a CSV file.

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